NordicScreen Product Update Ideas

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upload_file Upload image
Undo function in Design Tool
Feature request
Under review
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Information about player
Feature request
Under review
See more information about player in playcontrol .
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General schedule that can be used in several places
Feature request
Under review
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CEC control of display
Feature request
Under review
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SVG & Illustrator files
Feature request
Under review
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Video withe Alpha chanel
Feature request
Under review
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Playcontrol - View groups in list view
Feature request
Under review
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Option to choose the order of groups in DesignTool
Feature request
Under review
Arrange groups in a specific order in DesignTool. Currently, the groups are displayed randomly
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User Management on Apps
Feature request
Under review
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See if player have attached event
Feature request
Under review
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We are ⚡by Beamer
lightbulbSuggest an idea
Changelog Ideas